Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why So Blue Panda Bear?

Recently in class we were assigned a C.E.A.(current event analysis). We were told to read an article from The Weekly Standard called "The Last Talking Point of the Left." The article was about the view of veterans. It was said that for every burnt-out vet, there are at least a dozen other vets who are building businesses, raising families, and leading communities. I couldn't believe how true the statement was. But still all you see in the news are the burnt-out vets sitting on the side of the road holding a sign begging for money. Why is it that only tragedies are plastered all over the news? Why not plaster all the good going on? I realize that tragic stories make better news than good ones, but what I don't understand is how eveyone, not just the media, focus only on the negative. Some might say in response to my argument, that tragedies shouldn't be happening and it's natural instinct to react only to negative. But if focusing only on the negative brings everyone's hopes and spirits down, what will raise them again?

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