Sunday, December 23, 2007

Deck the Halls

"Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? Of course it is "politically correct" to say Happy Holidays, because it is "offensive" to say Christmas. I don't believe that holiday was born on Dec. 25, I am sure that Christ was born on this day. Mike Huckabee, a Republican candidate for the 2008 election, points this out in his recent commercial about the holidays. Huckabee made no apologies about his religious tone. Huckabee says, "You can find Santa at every mall. You can find discounts in every store, but if you mention the name of Jesus, as I found out recently, it upsets the whole world. Forgive me, but I thought that was the point of the whole day." I have gathered, from observing the world, that the point of the day has gone missing. Shouldn't the day be about being with family and friends, creating memories, eating a good meal, and serving others? Look what it has become. Presents, presents, and more presents. Maybe this is the reason for our selfish world. I don't mean to offend anyone or sound judgmental, but I am offended. My whole life I haven't had to worry about offending anyone, and now I have to watch every word I say because I might hurt someone's feelings. This year, Merry Christmas is all you'll hear from my mouth. I applaud Mike Huckabee for standing strong on what he believes.

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